
Monday, February 27, 2012

Oh my stakes!

Decided to drive by after work and we have stakes in the ground!  Who would have ever thought that an over-sized popsicle stick would be so exciting??  Took a few pictures, even though it was getting dark...

The next door neighbors lot is moving right along.  The basement had been poured so at least now I have an idea what mine will look like.  Wednesday is the day digging is supposed to begin but there is a 80% chance of rain so that doesn't sound too good.  I won't have a chance to do a drive by again until Friday so until then......

Friday, February 24, 2012

Permit status

In reading other blogs I learned that some counties offer websites where you can check the status of a building permit, so after a quick google search I found that our permit was requested on 1/5/2012 and issued on 2/9/2012.  These dates line up perfectly with the information provided by our SR so I expect construction to begin next week as scheduled.  I can't wait!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Details on new start date

I heard from our PM today and he explained our next door neighbors lot is being dug this week (originally supposed to have started last week) so this will push our start back to the week of the 27th as they will be placing that dirt on our lot.  In thinking like a PM, this idea makes sense.  Being a first-time home builder, I wish these delays (and the permit delays) would have been explained to us back on the 23rd of January.  In reading other blogs it seems quite common to have about a month delay in between the pre-con meeting and the actual start date.  It now looks like June will be a more realistic delivery date (not April as first provided, then May as provided at the pre-con meeting).

Monday, February 13, 2012

New Start Date

Just received word our start date is now Feb 27th.

Start Date

Being patient is not one of my strong suits.  We had our pre-construction meeting 3 weeks ago and digging has not yet begun.  Today is supposed to be our "Start Date" but I have heard nothing yet.